Okay guys, this is my first article in English, I thought this is the right time for it. For everyone who don´t understand English that well, take out your translator or dictionary. But I´m pretty sure my English isn´t that well so everyone will understand it :D.
My first week in Vancouver is already over. I can´t believe it how time flies, especially my last weeks. Just 16 days are left and I´ll be on my way back home.
On Sunday was the day where I came back to Canada. It meant: "Bye United States, Hello Canada", more exactly "Hello Vancouver". This is the city where I will stay until I fly back to Germany on March 14. I just drove around 5 hours with the Greyhound Bus from Seattle to Vancouver. The most time we spent at the border. The security guy asked me a lot of questions like what I have done in the US, how long I stayed there, where I went through, what I will do in Canada, how long I will stay in Canada and everything just to be sure that I will go back to Germany. But I handled it and the guy was really nice at the end.
After I arrived at the Greyhound Station I took a bus to the Hostel and checked in. There were 2 other girls in the room, Kate was from Toronto and the other girl from Spain (I don´t remember the name it was really hard to spell and to pronounce). Both were really nice and we talked for a while. After that I was really tired and decided to watch my series and lay in bed.
The next day was really relaxed. I went to the Working Holiday Office to pick up the letter with my checque from the Christmas Market and cashed it in one of the banks close by. After that, I went back to the hostel and made some plans for the next days. I have tried to make plans for Vancouver Island and Victoria. Two other girls checked in the room in at afternoon. Julie is from Belgium and Helene from France (Julie is 23 years old, Helene is 27 years old, from Paris and her job is to be a english teacher). Both are here for Work and Travel and arrived just a few days ago. In the evening Senta is arrived. She is from Stuttgart, Germany and here for a Roundtrip. She travelled from Germany to Singapur and then to Australia, New Zealand and after a few months she travelled to the US and her last stop is Vancouver. Julie, Sienta and I had a really nice conversation about out trips and plans.
I went to the Coal Harbour, the Convention Center and Canada Place on Tuesday. Everything was really close and I wanted to walk. The view was really amazing! I´m in love with this city! You could see the mountains around the city. But I´m pretty sure that pictures will tell you more than words. After that I decided to go to the Information Center, because I had some questions about the transportation to some places, like in Downtown or to Victoria and Sinta told me the women helped her a lot. The women, Jana, told me some important informations and teached me some places where I really have to go, because of the good weather this week. So I decided to go to the Capilano Suspension Bridge on this day. I had enough time and the weather was really nice. I left the Center with a lot of prospects and new informations about some attractions. I bought a ticket for the Capilano Suspension Bridge at the Center and tooked the free Shuttle Bus to the Park. It was really amazing there. The feeling to walk across a suspension bridge is really weird and amazing, I like adventures like this. At the other side of the bridge was a (rain)forest with a treetops walk. I did this little walk it was really nice. After that I went across the bridge back to the other side and to the cliffwalk. I thought it would be more amazing but it was cool (You will see some pictures because of my bad description).
Our Hostel has some offers like the Granville Island Tour we did on Wednesday. Julie, Senta and I went to the Downtown Hostel because the tour should start there. We were just 3 persons and Mave, our guide, decided to show us with a short tour in her car the city before we started the real Granville Island Tour. That was really nice, we learned a lot of Vancouver and she showed us the most important places like, False Creek, the Harbour Centre, Canada Place, Chinatown, Gastown and Yaletown. We drove along the Seawall, this is like a route or road next to the water. Arrived at Granville Island (we could take the car because there are 2 bridges you can follow to the Island) we started at the Granville Island Market and went to the art neighboorhood with the University and some art galleries. It was really cute there and Mave gave us a lot of informations about this Island and the places where we went through. After we said good bye to Mave we decided to have our lunch at the Market. We took a sea bus (a boat that tooked us from dock to dock) to the other seaside and walked along the seawall back to our hostel. Back there we were really tired and needed to relax :D. It was Julie´s last evening, she packed her stuff because early in the next morning droves her greyhound bus to Victoria.
Thursday was the day of the day: I visited my first Hockey Game in the evening. Vancouver Canucks vs. Ottawa Senators at the Rogers Arena. It was an offer of the Hostel and we met with the people who bought tickets at the front desk in the lobby and went to a bar. We were 2 Australian Boys, a men from Edmonton, a woman from Toronto, a Japanese Girl and 4 German Guys (Lena, Thorben, Pia, Tammy (Well she is from Luxembourgh but is still studying in Cologne and speaks german). It was really funny with this group and I got along well with Pia and Tammy (I set next to them at the Arena and we talked a lot, really bad that they left Vancouver the next morning). It was a good game and the Canucks won 5:3 against the Senators. I went the first time to a hockey game and the team won, that was really nice. I´m in love with hockey now, it´s a really nice sport, a little bit aggressive but who cares :D. Also it´s a little bit funny when they hit against the wall and crash each other.
We (Sinta, Helene and I) met us with Cathy (a friend of Senta) on Friday and we went to the University of British Columbia (UBC). When we arrived at the Campus we were lost. It was really big and we got us a map of the whole area at first. Our destination was the Museum of Anthrophology and we tried to go there. We came to a really beautiful place it was a garden and the view was amazing. All in all I think the University and the Campus was really nice and beautiful and I can imagine to study marine biology there. The buildings were a mixture of new and old architecture and everything was decorated with a lot of flowers, green grass and trees.
I was a little bit sad that I can´t walk into the buildings but they were secured. But anyways I walked around the campus while the others visited the Museum (Everyone of you know, that I´m not a big fan of museums and that´s why I didn´t want to spend money for this).
Today was a lazy day. The weather was bad and we decided to go to the cinema. Before we went there we walked along the Granville Street for some shopping, because Sinta needed some souvenirs for her parents and nephews. We went to a real good Frozen Joghurt store for our "lunch" and after that to the cinema. Helene watched the movie before and Cathy was to tired, therefore we were only in twos - Senta and I. We have already yesterday evening decided for the movie Deadpool and were really excited. I´d liked the movie, but Sinta wasn´t really convinced. Back at the hostel we were really tired.
Canada Place, Coal Harbour

Capilano Suspension Bridge

Granville Island

False Creek Seawall

Gastown + Steamclock

Hockey Game

University of British Columbia (UBC)